Legal record: 1221: Donum/Tallage
People mentioned
- Riche of Nottingham (“Richa”, “Richa Vidua”)
- Benedict son of Riche (“Benedictus”, “Benedicto filio Riche”)
- Miriam mother of Abraham, wife of Joseph ※ (“Muriel”)
- Abraham son of Miriam and Joseph (“Abraham”, “Abraham filio Muriel’”)
- Floria daughter of Josce (“Fluria”, “Fluria filia Joscei”)
- Josce father of Floria (“Josceus”, “Joscei”)
- Belina daughter of Isaac (“Belina”, “Belya”, “Belina filia Isaac”, “Belya filia Isaac”)
- Isaac father of Belina of Cambridge (“Isaac”)
- Sarra sister of Mulin’ (“Sarra”, “Sarra sorore Mulin’”)
- Mulin sibling of Sarra of Oxford (“Mulin’”)
- Genta daughter of Isaac of Hereford (“Genta”, “Gente fil’ Isaac”)
- Isaac father of Genta of Hereford (“Isaac”)
- Muriel of Winchester (“Murel’”, “Miriell’ de Wynton’”)
- Samuel of Northampton (“Samuel”, “Samuel genero suo”)
- Bacceva wife of Benedict of Northampton (“Bacceua”, “Bacceua relicta Benedicti”)
- Benedict of Northampton ¶ (“Benedictus”, “Benedicti”)
- Esther daughter of Aaron (“Ister”, “Ister filia Aaron de Glouernia”)
- Aaron of Gloucester (“Aaron”, “Aaron de Glouernia”)
- Judea daughter of Sampson (“Judea”, “Judea filia Sampsonis”)
- Sampson father of Judea of Northampton (“Sampson”, “Sampsonis”)
- Belia daughter of Isaac of Northampton (“Bella”, “Belina”, “Bella filia Isaac”, “Belina filia Isaac”)
- Isaac father of Belia of Northampton (“Isaac”)
- Floria wife of Deudone of Northampton (“Fluria”, “Flurie quondam uxore Deudon’”, “Fluria relicta Deodati”)
- Isaac son of Floria (“Isaac”, “Isaac filio suo”)
- Deudone of Northampton (“Deudon’”, “Deodatus”, “Deodati”)
- Antera of Gloucester (“Antera”, “Antera de Glovernia”)
- Chera daughter of Brun (“Chera”, “Chera filia Brun”)
- Brun father of Chera of Northampton (“Brun”)
- Chera the Widow of Northampton (“Chera”, “Chera vidua”)
- Antera the Widow of Canterbury (“Antera”, “Antera vidua”)
- Milka the Widow of Northampton (“Melka”, “Melka vidua”)
- Mirabel of Gloucester (“Mirabilia”, “Mirabilia de Glouernia”)
- Bonenfant of Gloucester husband of Genta (“Bonenfant”, “Bonenfant filio Mirabilie”)
- Belina of Gloucester daughter of Mirabel (“Belia”, “Belia filia Mirabilie”)
- Isaac son-in-law of Mirabel of Gloucester (“Isaac”, “Isaac de Lincolnia genero Mirabilie”)
- Judea the Widow of Gloucester (“Judea”, “Judea vidua”)
- Duce the Widow of Gloucester (“Duce”, “Duce vidua”)
- David Lumbard father of Rachel (“Dauid”, “Dauid Lumbard’”)
- Rachel Lumbard of Nottingham (“filia sua”)
- Milka of Norwich (“Milka”)
- Simon son of Sarra of Norwich (“Simon”, “Simone filio Sarre”)
- Sarra of Norwich (“Sarra”, “Sarre”)
- Rosa daughter of Jacob of Colchester (“Rosa”, “Rosa filia Jacobi”)
- Jacob of Colchester (“Jacob”, “Jacobi”, “Jacobo de Colecestria”)
- Sarra daughter of Isaac of Stamford (“Sarra”, “Rosa filia Isaac”)
- Isaac of Stamford (“Isaac”)
- Rosa the Widow of York (“Rosa”, “Rosa vidua”)
- Gentil wife of Jacob son of Vives of Lincoln (“Gentillia”, “Gentillio de Lincolnia”)
- Soleil the Widow of Winchester (“Soleil”, “Solellie vidua”, “Solellie judea”)
- Antera daughter of Chera of Winchester (“Antera”, “Antera filia Chere”)
- Abraham son of Chera of Winchester (“Abraham”, “Abraham filio Chere”)
- Elias son of Chera of Winchester (“Elyas”, “Elya filio Chere”, “Helya filio Chere”)
- Hamekin son of Chera of Winchester (“Hamekin’”, “Hamekin’ filio Chere”)
- Deulebene son of Chera of Winchester (“Deulebenete”, “Duelebeneye filio Chere”)
- Chera of Winchester ※ (“Chera”, “Chere”)
- Godenota sister of Sampson Furmentin (“Godenota”, “Godenot’ sorore Frumentin”)
- Sampson Furmentin (“Sampson Frumentin”, “Frumentin”, “Sampsone Frumentin’”)
- Pucelle mother of Ursell ※ (“Pucele”)
- Ursell son of Pucelle (“Ursellus”, “Ursello filio Pucele”)
- Slema of Worcester (“Salma”, “Salme”)
- Milka the Widow of Canterbury (“Milka”, “Milka vidua”)
- Aaron son-in-law of Milka of Canterbury (“Aaron”, “Aaron genero Milka”)
¶ This person is recorded as being deceased in this record.
※ This person is mentioned solely as the relation of another person; she is not present
or involved in any business.
Manuscript source
TNA E 401/4, 4–4d.
Print sources
Chew, Helena M. A Jewish Aid to Marry, A.D. 1221, Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 11 (1924–1927), pp. 92–111. pp. 99–111.